
Friday 19 October 2007

More Christmas Cards

These are the latest - the one of the left is made from a business folder, a paper bag and a picture from a catalogue. The one on the right is belatedly for the Daring Card Makers Christmas Tree prompt and is made from a leftover piece of nice cardboard and patterns from wrapping paper and a magazine. I may add lettering to the one on the right.


  1. Great cards, I love the angel so sweet

  2. Such Christmas treats...


  3. Nope - never too late!
    Lovely cards, the trees one is fab - a great idea.
    I keep any cards to snaffle useful bits from for my own cards - I find the shiny bits particularly useful for punching out stars etc!

  4. Anonymous8:44 pm

    great the trees!! and your poem collage - wow. you are sooo talented. :)

  5. Anonymous4:58 am

    very nice; i like the angel the best too; sort of a combination of retro and animation

  6. Thanks, andrea, pixiedust, sperlygirl, ascender!

    Kathy - glad I wasn't too late!

    I think I prefer the angel, but the Christmas tree design has great potential to rework with different papers, which I'll do and post the results later.

  7. these are great - what a good idea. I'm beginning to accept that I have to think about Christmas sooner or later.......

    would be nice to find time to make my own cards again this year, i always used to

    inspirational blog! i'm enjoying returning your visit

  8. Lovely trees, beautiful angel and great ideas. Thanks for sharing!


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