
Friday 26 October 2007

Eve Green by Susan Fletcher

My Mum recommended this book to me and two days later I found a copy for £1 in the nearest second hand shop. It won the Whitbread First Novel Award a couple of years back and deservedly so. It's a coming of age story set amongst the landscape and nature of Wales. Against this backdrop is the story of Eve Green an orphan living with her grandparents and getting used to the countryside after having lived in the city of Birmingham. One of Eve's schoolmates goes missing and this is the source of suspense in the story, there is malice lurking under the beautiful flowers. Fletcher writes with an amazing eye for detail and her prose is rich but at the same time well controlled, very rarely does a word feel to be out of place or superfluous. She creates well rounded believable characters too.


  1. Thank you for this recommendation! I've just ordered it for myself & my daughter to read. It sounds beautiful.

    Oh, and no worries, when I do buy new books, they are recycled - passed along from family to friends, to The Recycled Bookstore down the street.


  2. A wonderful book, I read it on holiday in Spain last year.

  3. Anonymous7:38 am

    I borrowed an audio book, enjoying being read to while doing my jigsaw puzzles.
    Although I have not quite finished listening to the story, I must tell you that I have already shed tears. A true artist, I shall certainly look for more works by you. If you chose Sian Thomas to read your book or if it was chance? magic. I truly wish that everyoe would take the time to read it, or listen. Five stars are not enough
    Thank you.


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