
Monday 15 October 2007


Ecological balance has been defined as "a state of dynamic equilibrium within a community of organisms in which genetic, species and ecosystem diversity remain relatively stable, subject to gradual changes through natural succession."

Modern society though is disturbing this natural balance by a whole variety of activities, including hunting some species to extinction, polluting industries, destroying natural habitats. Can we find ways to regain ecological balance?

walk gently -
we are part of the same world
as the animals

Balance for One Deep Breath

Blog Day of Action for the Environment


  1. Oh this took my breath away. Lovely.

  2. You said this so well. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous6:50 pm

    Oh yes. Very fine.

  4. Anonymous8:19 pm

    hOW TRUE ..nasra

  5. So true - why can't we remember this?

  6. Anonymous2:59 am

    So true!

  7. What more needs to be said... you've encompassed our possible future here...


  8. Anonymous12:03 pm

    Perfect lines, Juliet. We really all need to be working on this one.

  9. the liberties we take with animals,, eve those in the human form,, is beyond humanity....

  10. Anonymous1:39 pm

    I volunteer with a marine rescue service situated around the foreshores of Sydney Harbour. You wouldn't believe the number of birds that are injured by things like plastic bags and bottle tops. At least once a week a group of friends and myself put on our wellies and get into the water and pull out as much garbage as we can. Even though the garbage never seems to go away, we all feel a sense of satisfaction when we remove it. Thank you for your beautiful words!

  11. Thanks everyone.

    Paisley, Sandy - very true!

    Selma - sounds like excellent voluntary work you do. Its tragic how many birds andmammals are injured with plastic.

  12. Anonymous2:42 pm

    So true! Eloquently said.

    If people viewed taking care of the planet simply as keeping our whole ecosystem in balance, perhaps they'd be more apt to do so. We've got to keep getting the word out...I want to put your haiku on billboards all around the world for people to see and think about!

  13. Its hard to not congratulate you merely for the sentiments themselves.

    But as for the writing - I love the way it conveys the small sense of walking carefully, not treading on ants etc, but also the greater sense of our impact on our world.

    Beautiful and meaningful.

  14. Jem - thanks for your thoughtful comment!

    KG - I think you're right, and if you find some billboards, feel free!

  15. the first line sums it up so well. great, meaningful haiku!

  16. so topical and relevant and SO true!

  17. those simple words contain volumes...

  18. Marvelous words. Ones I'd like to carve many (man-made) places.


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