
Friday 7 September 2007

Moonlit rabbit

This is my first project involving the felt I made from the shed fur of our rabbit Anya. As you can see from the last post about the felt, the rabbit face formed spontaneously in the felt making process, I've just added a button as an eye. The moon is the foil insert from a coffee jar, the wispy cloud is more rabbit felt and the black satin is from an old skirt that I had shortened.

No paint but a limited palette for Inspire Me Thursday


  1. that really is quite incredible and a lovely way to remember anya...
    all the best

  2. A keepsake that needs to be framed...
    I love felting, but do not do it often...this piece has a lot of sentiment, you can feel it...GREAT!!

  3. Exudes a 'Velveteen Rabbit' kinda' warm and soft and loving feeling!
    I agree with Pattie, you should frame this!

  4. The way that felt turned out for you indicates to me that Anya was just making sure you would never forget her! I love how it came out looking like a rabbit. Such a clever use of a coffee can foil too!

  5. Na- thanks!

    Pattie - This is the first time I've made felt! I'm intending to frame it, just have to find the right way to do it. The felt is quite thick.

    Royce - thanks!

    Miriam - yes I think she was too!

  6. Anonymous6:03 pm

    How beautiful this is and I love how the face just came along spontaneously.......was obviously meant to be :o) Love it, just beautiful!

  7. Did you ever read that wonderful children's book 'Pat the Bunny'?
    This reminds of that in all the best ways.

  8. I love this - and texture! Oh, to actually touch this must be divine...


  9. Anya would be proud, she still looks beautiful!

  10. That's really cool! I love that you used Anya's fur to make a rabbit image! The design is so simple, but so effective and sweet:> Now you're making me think there's something I can do with the tons of hair my German shepherd Heidi sheds - it rolls like tumbleweeds through the house! I could probably make a whole new dog out it! Great piece:>

  11. This is so beautiful!! And what a perfect way to remember Anya.

  12. In my mind, you are the creative queen of re-use & re-imagine. Your pieces encourage me to look at things & then look again. This one is enchanting & makes me think of a child's picture book...or maybe it is the beginning of one...a little rabbit who became a...little rabbit!

  13. what a genius idea, and such a lovely reminder, hope you have a wonderful break, Jx

  14. Anonymous4:03 am

    This turned out wonderfully....

  15. I love it. It reminds me of a children's storybook too. One of my favorites to read to my girls was The Runaway Bunny.
    I'll have to look online about felting. Like Carla, I've wondered about making something from the hair of my 3 German Shepherds. Every day, I swear, I sweep up enough hair to clothe a couple of good sized bunnies. There must be some use for it.

  16. What a beautiful piece of work... otherworldly.

  17. Aw this is so sweet... what a great memorial <3 Have fun on holiday too!! :)

  18. Anonymous8:05 am

    This is so fun! I love how the fuzziness of the rabbit is empathized by the black of the background.

  19. What a wonderful process!!

  20. How unique and creative. I love this piece!


  21. Oh happy accidents and inspired design. Wonderful.

  22. Have you heard of the simple living network? they have lots of green/simple living ideas and off course a great discussion forum with frugal crafts board...

  23. thanks for nice comments on my mentioned gorse...oh yes know it v v well, fell into some when young kid in living in UK!
    would love to see a photo here of some just to refresh a memory!

  24. Anonymous2:32 am

    That is so cool that you used rabbit fur to form the rabbit

  25. Great rabbit! I love the wispy cloud in front of the moon too.


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