
Sunday 15 July 2007

Lake Natron

alkaline lake
shimmers caustic heat -
flamingoes nest

Lake Natron , a soda lake in East Africa, is probably the most important breeding ground for the lesser flamingo. The flamingoes can tolerate the seeming inhospitable lake and they are safe from predators as nothing else can tolerate the conditions. However industrial soda ash mining is threatening the future of this most spectacular bird. Read more here.


  1. Anonymous3:12 am

    Thanks for that link to (via the flamingos), I hadn't been there before; I've got it bookmarked now.

  2. Anonymous3:57 pm

    thanks for sharing info on lake natron we need to save it

  3. Anonymous2:03 am

    i hadnt really thought about how hot that must be to the flamingos.
    I had posted a flamingo photo the other day; did a search - and there are a lot of people talking about flamingos these days!

  4. That lake sounds toxic.
    Poor flamingoes.

  5. Spacedlaw - the flamingoes actually prefer it that way, it keeps them safe from predators!

    Desert rat - glad you liked the link!

    Epson Ink - thanks

    Ascender - I saw your post, flamingoes are popular just now - let s hope that can protect them!

  6. Nice haiku. Thanks for the link - lots of information there.

  7. Anonymous4:12 pm

    nice image. i like how the words "shimmers" and "caustic heat" give a feeling of malice, endangerment.

  8. Adding my thanks to the others for the info!

  9. Anonymous12:05 am

    Profound environmentally. How can we remain healthy when our waters are not?

  10. Anonymous5:53 am

    Exceptional, thanks.

  11. I really love the way this sounds, the haiku reminded me of the other side of nature, beyond the beautiful, that we don't always like to dwell on.

  12. Beautiful birds - and who else wants to live in alkaline lakes?

    I hope something is being done to protect them.

  13. Plain Foolish - well nothing else bigger than microbes can live there. The flamingoes are perfectly happy until greedy industrialists want to mine their homes. There is a campaign going on to stop the establishment of more mines.

    The Heartful blogger - yes there is another side to nature.

    Mike - thanks.

    Quiet Paths - we need to care for our waters, that's very true.

    Katie - caustic lakes - malice to all but the flamingoes.

    Tumblewords, roswila - yes its a useful link - glad you appreciated!

  14. Many thanks for the link. Even when life seems beautiful, it is rarely so.

  15. I join others in thanks for the ARKive link. Not a bird person typically, I only have positive feelings about flamingoes. It's nice to find out that they are "smart" enough to be able to stand the conditions their predators cannot.

  16. I can feel the shimmer of caustic heat. And while I like it, there's pain too.


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