
Saturday 12 May 2007


There's the silence of peaceful contemplation, the silence of a quiet area of natural beauty, the silence of losing yourself in a good book. I wanted so much to post something positive about silence here, but the image of the bird with its beak tied shut wouldn't leave me alone so here it is!
Materials - reclaimed office paper (the textured recycled type), gold wrapping paper, photo of birds feathers. All 100% recycled and cut to size where necessary. Detail added in environmentally friendly marker pen (made by and available in the UK through the Natural Collection).
Silence for Inspire Me Thursday.


  1. I take my garden birds for granted ~ so noisily singing their beaks off at 5 am in the morning but if there were no trees plants and bushes in my garden~ well they wouldnt be there! Thankyou for the thought, Judy x

  2. oh, this is poignant!
    beautifully done!

  3. Good show. I've taken to really noticing the birds in my neighborhood. I can't imagine what it would be like if they were gone.

  4. Oh, well done. And it is a shame it has to be said. Even with all the trees in our neighborhood, it doesn't seem like there are that many birds.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Juliet, I am tagging you in a few minutes for Chinese Freeze Tag to tell 10 interesting facts about yourself and choose 10 more to tag. . . I chose to tag you on this blog because I am hoping someone just may link from mine that has not seen your poetry on the environment and green living. (Not meaning to clutter, I mistyped your name before, oops.)

  7. Funny. My post tomorrow was going to be on silence. I was going to take down the poem and leave the bird. Birds of a feather...nice.

  8. Your contrasting the positive kinds of silences with the bird's beak tied was powerful. And visual reminders like this are so important too.

  9. I have a bird (I presume it's the same ;)) outside my window which wakes me up early most mornings with its happy song. That bird is not very popular with me on those occasions :) but when I saw your illo I was reminded how wonderful birds are and how horrible it would be if they were not around to sing for us. A good reminder.

    Great work!

  10. Anonymous6:23 am

    well isnt that the truth. what would they say if they were not silenced?

  11. Anonymous1:39 pm

    This post is great and your bird art is fabulous!!
    I really like it!
    Great job!

  12. Anonymous2:12 pm

    A fabulous post -- I'm sitting here looking out the window at my pine trees, where the birds are flitting in and out and gossiping with each other, the squirrels are chasing each other around and around the tree trunks -- how quiet and empty life would be without them all.

  13. Thanks everyone!
    Marcia - thanks for tagging me, I'll respond soon!

  14. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Crafty, you inspire me, and thanks for turning me onto Inspire Me Thurs...


  15. Anonymous4:08 am

    Very nice work. I'd be so sad if I couldn't hear the birds singing. Like your materials list :)

  16. Anonymous5:32 am

    this morning I listened to the birds outside my window waking me up and wondered how it would be with no chirping and decided it would be awful and very silent.

  17. Anonymous7:09 pm

    oh so true and poignant. we have an array of birds visiting our backyard, such an absolute joy to me to hear their song. my life wouldn't be the same without them. i live in a town that has boomed with new construction in the last decade or so and it pains my heart and brings tears to my eyes to see them plow down miles and miles of trees just to put up another gas station, a restaurant, a bank, a shopping mall... you've spoken a tragic version of silence, yes, but one that is all too true in this day and age.

  18. deb, lee - yes we'd all miss the birds if they weren't there!

    Melanie - I hate to see trees chopped down to make way for malls etc. Sorry they're doing that to your town.

  19. i do miss the sound of birds chirping...instead i hear traffic.

  20. What a surprising image! I love the use of mixed materials and the message behind it. I have been on a bird kick lately; they are lovely creatures and it's sad to think of them silenced.


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