
Monday 21 May 2007

haiku - Edinburgh viewpoints

top floor flat window -
aerobatic swifts screech
across evening clouds.

jackdaws call from the
red crags above the city -
bagpipes in the gorse.

Viewpoints for One Deep Breath


  1. Beautiful. I love watching birds... and so do my cats (I did a photo post about it recently called ''Meanwhile''). Unlike the cats, though, I don't wish to eat the birds.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. these are beautiful.
    we have swallows and martins but i don't think i've seen swifts.
    jackdaws are not very common either (gooded crows prevail) but i have seen a few...

  3. Lovely haikus! They really are perfect little snapshots -- I love the movement and sound of the birds, and the visual details of clouds and crags -- plus the wondrous sound of bagpipes! Oh, and it was great to click the links and get to read about the swifts and jackdaws -- thank you!

  4. I like them both, especially the first one. The imagery of the swifts, wonderful.

  5. Wonderful haiku with that Edinburgh flavor...loved them.

  6. Having been to Edinburgh, I can really picture these haiku... the gorse, the crags above the city, the birds. Thanks for the beautiful reminder of a lovely time!

  7. Anonymous7:50 pm

    These both call forth images of places which I've never had the chance to visit - yet. Swifts and bagpipes, great.

  8. Anonymous9:17 pm

    I love those images and I am not familiar with those names. I love learning new 'gorse'.

  9. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Love your Scottish words! I have read about Jackdaws in books but have never looked them up. Thanks for including the bird info, so interesting. You poems create a setting I would like to see someday.

  10. Very nice. I love bagpipes. That was a nice thing to include. I like your diction. It makes you very unique.

  11. Juliet,
    I like how you are so good at expressing your observations with picture perfect haiku.
    I stood on the stoop tonight after supper and marveled at the aerial circus the riot of birds provided.

  12. every word built the picture...felt like I was there... a swooping good job

  13. yes, megan stole the words form my mouth (or rather from my keyboard!) ~ you painted a fantastic picture of these bird's eye views :)

  14. What I really liked about the poetry was that I didn't need a photo to accompany it. You made the viewpoint appear for me.

  15. hanulf - thanks for letting me know about your posts - I enjoyed reading them!

    Polona - we have lots of hooded crows in Scotland too.

    Clare, Sandy - glad you used the links, I'm trying to remember to add them where I think its useful.

    Beaman, Tammy - thanks

    Regina - glad they brought back some nice memories!

    Quietpaths, Ron - thanks!

    Chris - we're all unique!

    Rel, Megan, Becoming Amethyst, Patois - thanks!


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