
Saturday 7 April 2007

Corstorphine Hill

Today we walked around Corstorphine Hill in the west of Edinburgh. It is a wonderful hill, with woodland and rocky moorland type areas. The gorse was in bloom and lots of the trees were coming slowly into leaf. We saw a couple of rooks working on their nests, a pair of jackdaws gathering nesting material, another pair of jackdaws starting to build a nest in a dead tree (the middle tree in photo 1). We heard a great spotted woodpecker drumming and heard birds singing, including chaffinches, blue tits, coal tits, great tits, blackbirds and robins. We also saw two long tailed tits which came very close up to us, almost as though they expected us to feed them!


  1. Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Easter

  2. Just followed you back from Brian's... Looks like you got a good blog here! I'd like to come back and look around (and will do, when I can).

    Like these pics - reminds me when I was in Stirling - I used to visit Edinburgh and Glasgow a lot...


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