
Friday 13 April 2007

Build it and They Will Come

Last night I attended the launch of the new Travelling Gallery and its inaugral exhibition Build It and They Will Come' an exhibition of art inspired by architecture and the built environment. The new bus is impressive, it has solar panels and a beautiful exterior painting of forest by Mandy McIntosh.

The works on display are interesting, showing varied responses to the theme. My favourite piece was the beautiful origami deer herd, which if memory serves is by Susie Wright (I may be wrong here, it isn't listed in the brochure).

I was quite disturbed by Susie Wright's photos of huge white constructions tacked onto views of Scottish mountains, casting large shadows across the scenery - a warning on the way we are encroaching on our natural heritage.

I was impressed by Donna Conlon's video of the skyline of the wealthy sector of Panama City being gradually hidden behind towers of giant sized bottle caps and other assorted items of rubbish. A telling commentary on our wasteful consumerist society.

The exhibition will be travelling around Scotland for the next few months, mostly visiting schools but also some public venues, details here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in on the fun of my parody of bad poetry for PT yesterday. Today, I've let the muse out of the closet.

    Our infectious lifestyle.


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