
Wednesday 7 February 2007

Playlist - Environmental Songs

Inspired partly by GeL's Tuesday Afternoon Tunes Idea and partly by an archive prompt from GPP Street Team, here is a list of 5 of the best environmental songs I could think of, with each artist being limited to one track.
1. World Falls - Indigo Girls
2. Timburetza Lingua - Ani di Franco
3. Giving it All Away - Hothouse Flowers
4. If a Tree Falls - Bruce Cockburn
5. Twyford Down - Galliano.
What are your favourite songs about the environment? I'll be doing future playlists in the future, specific environmental and related themes on this blog (There'll be some horses galloping along very soon, for example!) and other themes on my Alter Ego blog.


  1. Anonymous4:53 am

    Great idea to post environmental songs. One of my favourite from the 1980s is "Save this House" by Spirit of the West. Have you ever posted a list of environmental novels? (one of the things I plan to do at some point)

  2. Hi Jackie, thanks for visiting! I've not heard of Spirit of the West. I've not yet put together a list of environmental novels, but I should do, good idea. (Or perhaps I did, way back when no-one read my blog!).

  3. Anonymous2:56 am

    Hi again. Spirit of the West is a Canadian band with a celtic influence. Another of my favourite environmental songs of theirs is "Mists of Crofton," which is about pollution from a pulp mill near where I grew up.

  4. Anonymous9:36 pm

    I completely agree. Awesome idea about the environmental songs. See one called "Driving Away" from an artist named SVOY!! It's not exactly environmental, but really makes you think about stuff.


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