
Saturday 13 January 2007

Stormy Weather - Trees

Edinburgh has had terrible weather the past few days, constant rain and gale force winds. In the middle of the Botanic Gardens:
tree torn up in storm
fallen across the pathway -
Trees have also been uprooted along the Water of Leith that runs through Edinburgh. Hopefully some of the dead stumps and branches will be left to grow fungi, lichen and moss. Hopefully one day I'll get some good photos of lichen and fungi, because there are some beautiful examples along our woodland, riverside walks.


  1. sorry about the layout here - Blogger seems to be being awkward!!

  2. Anonymous1:09 am

    Your haiku fits what is happening here on the west coast of Canada too. Stanley Park, which is considered the "jewel" of Vancouver, looks like it's been logged!

  3. I took a lot of down tree photos after a storm here in the fall. There is a fascination in the demise of trees.
    By the way, I decided to add you to my blogroll.

  4. Sarala - yes i think you're right, there is some sort of fascination about trees falling. Thanks so much for adding me to your blogroll too!


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