
Monday 29 January 2007

Haiku / Senryu - Connections

Sitting between
the roots of an old oak tree -
I write.
a skein of geese honking -
my heart flies with them.
top floor city flat -
the everchanging skies
full of birds
my grandparent's house -
purple flowered clematis
winds around the gatepost.
Connections to Nature for One Deep Breath


  1. Juliet,
    To commune and be one with nature!
    You've captured it all.

  2. Anonymous7:29 am

    I love the picture your first haiku conjures up. I feel peaceful just reading it.

  3. hello there, thanks for your comment. wow, so exciting to see your crafty ideas and poetry! love your work. one day i may get the guts to post up some of my poems too, but for now...!
    it's very heartening to be reminded that there are others out there who are also trying to find happy alternatives to generating more waste! great job :)

  4. These are lovely. I could hear the geese loud and clear ; ) I can totally relate to the top floor flat and birds! I experience the crows diving off the roof in the summer, mixing the blue sky with black. Peace.

  5. The first haiku reminds me of the scene in Lord of The Rings when we first see Frodo!
    These were just lovely!

  6. all of these are so beautiful and really put the image in my head. how do you do all of these so easily?

  7. These were all lovely images that evoked serenity.

  8. Anonymous5:54 pm

    These are all lovely. I especially like the first one, because when I was a little girl I did that very thing!

  9. Anonymous7:13 pm

    All gorgeous, but this my favorite:

    a skein of geese honking -
    my heart flies with them."

    That's exactly how I feel when I see & hear them!

  10. Niiiiice series :-), especially:

    top floor city flat -
    the everchanging skies
    full of birds

    I love the contrast between a sense of unchanging city and wheeling bird patterns (at least that's how I see it in this big city I live in, New York :-D)....

  11. Love them all but especially the image of you writing curled up in the roots of an old tree. That's marvelous!

  12. These are beautiful --

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I'm so glad you did as now I've found yours!

    I particularly enjoyed the 'skein of geese' imagery -- it captured so much of the lonely loveliness of autumn for me.

  13. These beautifully express a meaningful connection with nature in many forms~loved them all!

  14. Anonymous11:26 am

    Every one so beautiful. The second one, last line, really grabbed me.

  15. These are truly lovely. Thank you for sharing the world from your eyes and heart.


  16. Thanks for all your comments.

    Hundred and one - glad you feel peaceful reading these!

    shadowsandclouds - I look forward to reading your poems when you start posting them! It is always heartening as you say to find others trying to find alternatives....

    getzapped - ah yes we get the crows too, very aerobatic they are too.

    Regina Clare - I have to admit to never having seen Lord of the Rings

    Helen - maybe its not as easy as it seems?

  17. skein of geese...inspired word choice and sitting between the roots of a tree is such a safe spot. nicely done.


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