
Monday 15 January 2007

Haiku - reflections

Glass offices -
reflections of trees
and scudding clouds.

house windows -
birds confused by reflected

We walked round the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh this weekend and were delighted to see:

kingfisher -
electric blue reflection
in water.

For the interests of this post, I tried an experiment:

showing my rabbit
how beautiful she is -
reflection ignored.

Reflections for One Deep Breath.


  1. Anonymous1:19 pm

    Sounds like you had a great weekend spent in reflection.

  2. Anonymous1:48 pm

    Lovely reflections! And how great to see the electric blue of a kingfisher! So unexpected.

  3. Juliet,
    No pictures and yet I see clearly what you describe. Perfect.
    My cats refuse to look in the mirror. ;-)

  4. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Sounds like a nice weekend. I just looked up your kingfisher, it is much more colorful than ours!

    My husband used to work in an office building with mirrored glass on the outside. The people on the inside could see out, but not the other way around. So many funny stories from there! I am very careful not to use a shiny building for a mirror, now.

  5. Anonymous4:01 pm

    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Very nice haiku. I know that mirrored glass well. A few birds have flown into our sliding glass doors from our family room, and sadly, fallen to the ground.

  6. Lovely haiku, all of them.

    I could perfectly see your rabbit, ignoring her beautiful reflection!
    My dogs are the same way ;)

  7. These are all wonderful, but I really like the last one because you were prompted to action in order to write it.

  8. What a wonderful series. I love all the ways you've found to use reflection.

    My favorite has to be your bunny :D

  9. Loved your reflections. I particularly liked the tall, glass buildings. (Well, and the bunny!)

  10. They all speak to me, but I love this one:

    showing my rabbit
    how beautiful she is -
    reflection ignored.

    LOL! And "sigh" for all the times this happens between people....

  11. Thanks for all your comments, you'd all love our bunny even more if you met her!!

    Paris parfait - actually the kingfisher isn't as unexpected as you might think. There are a couple of places in Edinburgh where you have a very good chance of seeing one. Wonderful birds!

    Sandy - that's quite funny about the glass building,

    R's musings - I know, I hate when birds hit the glass and are injured or worse....

  12. ALL of these are wonderful! I especially like your imagery in the first and love that word "scudding".

  13. The rabbit ku made me smile. Thank you for sharing these. It's fun to share your walk ; )

  14. I have a regular visitor to my garden confused by the shed window. Absorbs my attention for hours.

  15. Anonymous11:23 pm

    I used to live near those gardens in Edinburgh. Never saw a kingfisher though: you are lucky! Very vivid haiku capture.

    BTW, my cat had no interest in her reflection either.

  16. I loved them all! I hate when a bird smacks into the window...I feel so bad!

  17. Lovely - the kingfisher sounds beautiful, and the last one made me smile.

  18. Wonderful! I especially love the (sad) one about birds confused by reflected gardens. I'm sad to say that happens frequently. You captured it so well.


  19. I enjoyed all of your perspectives on reflection! Much peace, JP

  20. Anonymous3:12 am

    I love the "reflected garden". My son is eight months old and he is just starting to recognize himself in the mirror. I wonder now if he used to think it was a window with another baby in it. It's an interesting thought, mirrors as windows.

  21. Hi Juliet,

    I'd email you but I can't find a link. Just wanted to let you know I chose your line as my jumping-off point for Poetry Thursday tomorrow.

    I'd love to read your poem the line is from (afterward though, because I don't want to be influenced beyond the one line!) if you could tell me where to find it.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. Wise rabbit! Beautiful haiku.

  23. You made me see the kingfisher and feel the quiet humor with the rabbit.

  24. Nice work! Wasn't this week's Poetry Thursday fun? I loved it.

  25. Anonymous9:05 am

    I like the rabbit ignoring its reflection. Maybe it sees beyond it to the unity of all things which our egos fracture into slivered projections? For an environmental website, try ...And here's an online gallery of a recycled art show I co-curated in 2005: (My kaleidoscope ego has more facets than a rabbit.)

  26. Thanks everyone for your comments.

    Robz - thanks for the links! I love your comment about the rabbit, she's a wise little creature (well spooted there cloudscome!) so you may be right about her!

  27. Anonymous9:37 pm

    I like thinking about the rabbit ignoring her reflection. She already knows she's beautiful!



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