
Thursday 21 December 2006

Season's Greetings!

Christmas in Edinburgh

A fat orange cat on a window ledge, watches
geese on the shore of Duddingston Loch.
Snow on the summit of Arthur's Seat
glistens in the light of the yellow moon.
A Christmas tree gifted by Norway
sparkles on the top of the Mound
where trees draped in white fairy lights
line the path to the ice-rink in Princes Street Gardens.
Children ride the big Ferris wheel,
adults drinking mulled wine

wander round the German market.

Silence of Snow

Blizzard uniqueness falling to earth
suspended in silence.

Myriad marvels melting in flight,
merging in crisp carpet whiteness.

Falling snow magical joy inspires dreams
of finding twin snowflakes like four leaf clovers.

After storm sky-blue highlights the landscape
as each unique snowflake loses itself
in pristine perfection of snow.

For Poetry Thursday. Both these poems have been posted on this blog before, though I have significantly rewritten Christmas in Edinburgh.

I'd like to wish Season's Greetings to all readers of this blog!


  1. I've enjoyed both.
    The first put me into sentimental mood. The second is absolutely beautiful.
    Season's Greetings!

  2. Anonymous1:24 pm

    There is a magical time in winter when all is hushed and peaceful. Beautiful and detailed poems that set the stage for a happy holiday.

  3. I really like "Christmas in Edinburgh." It's a cliche to say it paints a vivid picture or makes me feel like I'm there, but I can't help it.

  4. CGP: I love this: "A Christmas tree gifted by Norway" so, so much!

  5. Anonymous9:51 pm

    This is just perfect. I don't want to touch it.

  6. Very nice. Greetings to you as well--and thanks for your comment on my blog!

  7. These are wonderful! "Christmas in Edinburgh" was very special.

    Season's Greetings to you :)

  8. I like the pictures you paint with your words. I like how alive your words are, and that you're not afraid of alliteration. Cool. BB

  9. Both poems are lovely. Thanks for posting them! I've never read them before...

  10. Anonymous3:53 am

    I especially liked the unexpected images in the 2nd poem, such as carpet white and the four leaf clovers.

  11. Christmas in Edinburgh was read in Dunbar and Gifford last week, as part of the Dunbar Choral Society's Concert of Carols and Readings. Audiences (full houses) were very appreciative - your work was warmly applauded.

  12. HI everyone thanks for all your comments.

    Colin, thanks, I'm glad to hear that Christmas in Edinburgh (the original version) was appreciated at the carol concerts last week. This version just came to me on Thursday as I was deciding what to post and being lazy by choosing older poems.

    Twitches, no you won't have read them before as they were posted in my pre Poetry Thursday days!

    Blackbank - I do have to be careful not to overdo the alliteration though....

    Seasons greetings to all of you!

  13. Please check out the new blog I created to give people a forum to advertise new posts to their creative blogs. If we get most of the Poetry Thursday participants to use it, for starters, we could all see a lot more traffic.



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