
Monday 9 October 2006

Haiku - countryside

The prompt this week at One Deep Breath is to write a haiku about the countryside. Most of my haiku are about the countryside, I think, but here's a new one:

Our countryside
full of beauty and colour -


  1. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Thoughtful haiku!
    The countryside is disappearing here, too, isn't that sad?

  2. Yes the countryside is going to sleep. Lovely Haiku

  3. That's quite a sting in the tail of your haiku. I hope the countryside won't all have disappeared before I get there - at least Scotland is less populated than England.

  4. I wrote a haiku a while back with a similar theme, but a little more left-handed.

    There was a zoning/annexation meeting here recently where the police had to step in. I've been to some of the commission meetings here, and have heard (very) thinly-veiled threats from certain loose cannons; it must have nearly(?) come to blows.

    And my father-in-law thinks I should run for a commissioner's post. I think they want to kill me. :-)

  5. So much said in just a handful of words. Nicely done. I'm concerned for us because we need the countryside...and it is dwindling. Where will we go to refresh our eyes...and our spirits?

  6. Very nice haiku. I agree with you that the autumn color is passing much too quickly this year.

  7. Same here :( We are moving in part because of it. It's hard to out run Home Depot. Very poignant haiku!

  8. very poignant haiku, juliet. i thought most of mine where about the countryside too but you can never have too many.

    nice one. :o)

  9. It is happening everywhere. Painfully sad.

  10. Thanks for all your comments.

    Star - that's an interesting interpretation. Strangely enough, though people most everywhere are talking of fall colours fadsing fast, here in Edinburgh, most of the trees are still mostly green....

  11. Far-fetched - i hope they don't really want to kill you.....

  12. Catherine - yes still plenty of countryside in Scotland, though in places it is rapidly disapearing but the Highlands and Islands are very sparsely populated.....


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