
Monday 25 September 2006

Haiku - windows and doorways

At One Deep Breath this week we're asked to write haiku about windows and doorways. First I wrote two haiku about looking out of the window, the first in Edinburgh yesterday, the second from our Bed and Breakfast hotel in Ventimiglia, Italy last November:

outside the window -
rain lashes down
from a dark leaden sky.

outside the window –
the Mediterranean
merges with blue sky.

Then finally:

the black cat
watches over the garden –
framed by the doorway.

There's yet another haiku on this theme on my Alter Ego blog here.


  1. I love the image in your second haiku of the sea merging with the sky. So beautiful.

  2. I'm with Jodi - the second is my favourite. Lovely images you paint with your poems!

  3. I could certainly picture the rain lashing down. Very evocative images in all your haiku.

  4. All three are wonderful, but the second one REALLY resonates with me!

  5. Anonymous8:04 pm

    I would love to look through that second window!

  6. I can picture each of these vividly, but wish I was there instead :) Lovely!

  7. I hope the sun shines sometimes in Edinburgh, too! I enjoyed your haiku.

  8. These are lovely. I really like outside the window. How awesome to be able to see the Mediterranean outside a window. :)

  9. "rain lashes down
    from a dark leaden sky"
    simply gorgeous..both the imagery and the sounds these words evoke!

  10. Thanks for all your comments folks! Catherine, don't worry, Edinburgh is usually sunny with lovely blue skies and wild winds. But when it does rain it can be torrential.....

  11. Anonymous7:06 pm

    lovely haiku - i can certainly relate to the first as that is the current weather here! the third is very well put too :)

  12. my favourite's the last one, such a lovely understated building of images :-)


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