
Monday 21 August 2006

Haiku - music

One Deep Breath this week is asking for haiku about music. I like seasonal haiku, so to start with I wrote four haiku on the music of the four seasons:

birds sing together
exuberant dawn chorus -
the music of Spring.

hot summer day -
a grasshopper orchestra
plays in the field.

autumnal breezes
whistle through the changing leaves -
haunting melodies.

snow falls silently -
inside the family gathers
to sing Christmas songs.

The following is a haiku inspired by the open air concerts at Traquair Fair, a wonderful summer event that happens in Innerleithen near Peebles in the Scottish Borders.

old apple orchard -
petals drift in the breeze
of the singer's voice.

And the final haiku here goes back to when I lived in Malawi where all the children seemed to have amazing natural creative talents:

down by the river -
the fishermen's children
play tin cans like drums.

Not content to leave it there, my Alter Ego has also written some musical haiku here!


  1. these are wonderful, what an inspiring prompt Susan brought us!

  2. I love seasonal haiku as well, and your mingling of seasons and music was perfectly done. Beautiful!

  3. I love your focus on this theme! And the last one about the children literally gave me goosebumps :-)

  4. These were all wonderful and how clever to mix seasons and music. My favorite lines are in your 7 syllable line :)

  5. Such a great idea to link haiku with the music of the seasons as your theme. I have been hearing the grasshopper orchestra all summer, but could not have named it so aptly! My favorite, however, is ...petals drift in the breeze/of the singer's voice. So descriptive!

  6. I love the imagery here, could see and hear it all.

  7. Gorgeous haiku!

  8. All of these are good, but my favorite is the petals drift(ing) in the breeze.

    Oh, BTW, your alter ego link is broken (it has an extra "http" in it). I'm sure AE would be grateful if you fixed that. :-)

  9. oooh what a haiku feast!

  10. Thanks for all your comments. Farfetched thanks for pointing out the broken link! I'll fix that immediately!

  11. Anonymous1:30 pm

    beautiful, the sounds of the seasons - wonderful.

  12. I just loved these haiku. The vision of each season is wonderful!

  13. These are simply wonderful. Lyrical, visual, a true feast. I love this line: "a grasshopper orchestra/plays in the field." I can just see it!


  14. dawn chorus, grasshopper orchestra, haunting melodies, Christmas songs - each image perfect for the season.

  15. Thanks for your comments too - Faustina, Jennifer, Annie and Helen.

  16. Anonymous9:53 pm

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  17. PEARL

    Two birds first
    at the crack of dawn
    talk to each other,
    exchange in the silence
    full notes.
    Not for long, very soon
    their crowd breaks in.
    But you would like to stay
    between those two,
    a drop
    in the hollow of the air’s neck,
    that doesn’t fall
    and becomes a pearl.


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