
Monday 17 July 2006

Urban haiku

This week's prompt at One Deep Breath is to write an urban haiku. The first of these is an old haiku that I wrote a while ago, the second is a re-writing of a poem I recently posted on this blog) and the third is a summer version of an old Spring haiku.

busy city streets
skyscrapers dominate
clouds reflect on chrome

derelict building
debris, rubble and rubbish
a bird sings

musc and laughter
enliven dull city streets
Summer has returned


  1. What treats :) That second one was brilliant! I love how the bird singing makes everything feel better.

  2. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Great city "feel" to your haiku! Love that the bird is noticed.

  3. There's really a lot of nature in the city - I, too, love the bird singing among the rubble.

  4. love these, great contrasts

  5. Great haiku and I agree that it's great that you captured a bit of "urban nature" too!

  6. Anonymous2:15 pm

    All 3 were wonderful. The second was my favorite.

  7. I particularly like the third haiku in this series which beautifully captures the feel of a city neighborhood with its music and laughter to "enliven" the city streets.

  8. great haiku.

    i like the implication in the first that with high rise skyline, you only notice the clouds by looking down. reminds of that bit in Dickens - not sure if it's O. Twist or what - where the protagonist is scared stiff by the sight of the enormous sky the first time he is taken outside of the city.

  9. "Clouds reflect on chrome"

    Loving it!


  10. Hi, thanks for all your comments!


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