
Thursday 16 November 2017

Olive Tree

Dark comfort of the olive grove
protects earth from storm and drought,
offers sanctuary.

Dark fruit, plump with food and oil,
creates a whole cuisine,
supports villages.

Dark branches laden with symbolism
represent the unattainable.


Another poem reposted from back in 2006! 

I also recently reposted an old poem over on my Shapeshifting Green blog, you can read it here

I've recently had a couple of poems published in online journals, you can read them by following the links below: 

Raspberry Picking on Misty Mountain Review

Rogue on Quatrain Fish.


  1. An olive green poem for a Crafty Green blog!

  2. I hadn't quite looked at it like that but yes.....

  3. It's good to give the old ones an airing. Inspired by the Crafty Green Poet I'm doing the same myself. Already into double figures! It's a great thing to do, rediscovering old friends. Ciao e grazie!

  4. I think I missed this first time around, Juliet: I love the way the poem builds towards its climax, the *perfect* ending.


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