
Thursday 15 March 2018


There’s something of life in the picture –
dull, dreich mist over storm-dark hills, the lift
of the water as it leaves the canvas,
the peek of light through the foreground
break in the clouds.

I feel wet sand between my toes,
watch eddying rain watering down
shy sunlight, hear the splash of sea
on rocks, the pull of currents.

Wind fresh in my face, drawn into
the scene, I drown in the lake
of a painter’s imagination.

Reposted from May 2006 and previously published on the Sound and Image issue of Online Poetry Journal.  

Meanwhile over on Shapeshifting Green I've reposted another poem from 2006, you can read it here


  1. As always, beautiful words; thank you for the inspiration to write this

  2. Anonymous2:35 pm

    I'm always a big fan of ekphrasis. Nice work.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I should actually try and find the title of the work that specifically inspired this poem....

    Thanks also for the link to your poem, BondBloke!

  4. So evocative, and you have captured that difficult watercolour thing perfectly, the measure of control that shows itself as what I can only describe as fluidity or watery freedom. And yes, it would be fascinating to see the poem to see how it compares with our mind pictures!

  5. "I drown in the lake of a painter's imagination"
    __ Here, your words deeply described the pulse of creativity.

  6. Anonymous6:53 am

    beautiful poem ☺

  7. Whoops - of course, I meant the painting!

  8. Like it :)

    All the best Jan


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