
Wednesday 3 October 2007


This alien machine, we are told
cures the worst diseases
with glowing magic dust.

We gather reverent, in awe
scoop up the shining powder
leaking from the metal,

rub it on our bodies
watch painful sores emerge,
but we are brave and know

this suffering is our healing.

In March 1984, in Juarez, Mexico a cancer X-ray machine was sold to a scrap merchant and ended up on a rubbish dump.

(Poem previously published in Spume Magazine)


  1. Anonymous2:05 pm

    I'm sure that X-ray machine is just one of the many hazardous things that end up in our rubbish dumps. I always fear for those children in Mexico and South America who pick through the rubbish dumps to survive. Just what are they being exposed to?

  2. Hi Selma
    Oh definitely! There's probably all sorts of hazardous things in there.

  3. This is a wonderful offering ~ so very wise and true.

  4. Hi Crafty Pink Poet! Powerful poem. It's astounding the things that end up in a garbage dump. You did an awesome job illustrating the dangers of this, with the "glowing magic dust" and "shining powder leaking from the metal" -- we and the earth are showing lots of "painful sores emerge" now. Well done.

  5. Excellent Juliet. A powerful message you portray in these few lines. I wish more people understood this.

  6. Thanks Janice

    Clare - I thought of renaming myself Crafty Pink Poet for the month, but thought that might be too confusing! So thanks for doing it for me!


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