
Sunday 5 March 2006

Community Backgreens Initiative

Green Caretakers and Re-solution have launched a project to revamp some of the derelict backgreens in densely populated areas of Edinburgh. The idea originates in Copenhagen, Denmark (unfortunately I can't find English language web resources on the Copenhagen project, has anyone got any information on this?). The plan is to involve local residents in tidying up the areas behind their tenements, planning how they want them to look and then signing up to a maintenance agreement. Hopefully the results will bring backgreens into better use, increase the community feeling of an area and improve the area for wildlife. So, I'll maybe need to buy a pair of wellies.....


  1. Anonymous8:19 pm

    Juliet thanks for the mention of the CBI project!

  2. HI Greig
    You're welcome! Thanks for visiting the blog!


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