
Friday 27 January 2006

Altered Book 2

I'm much happier with this page than with the earlier page in the book! We visited the Museo di Antichita in Torino so I've pasted a ticket from the museum plus a separate copy of the photo onto an article about archeological discoveries with the photo echoed in a pencil crayon design across the page.


  1. My daughter wants to make an altered book, so I was interested to see this. There's something about defacing a book that goes against the grain of all my early training, but it does sound fun, too!

  2. I know what you mean about defacing a book! The book I've used here is out of date and a bit battered so I didn't feel bad about it - plus the anthology of Italian articles makes an ideal background to a journal of an Italian holiday! Hope your daughter enjoys making her altered book!

  3. I have thought about doing altered books. I have a book and supplies but haven't wanted to commit. I'm just nervous that if I alter poorly it will just destroy. Sounds like fun.


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